*All events are now to be held online*
This product is suitable for students already familiar with the Oxbridge interview process who are looking for additional interview practice. This one-hour interview will provide you with an opportunity to undertake further practice building on earlier feedback and hone your interview skills.
Students will be presented with a subject-specific problem, article or text that they have not seen before. In some cases the student will be asked to complete a short test and the student’s interview will be based on their answers.
This can often be the most daunting part of an Oxbridge interview and requires the student to think clearly and carefully under pressure, and to confidently express recently formed ideas in response to the material. Our interviewers will push the student to expand upon their ideas, justify their arguments on a topic, and assess how they might modify their position if presented with conflicting ideas or examples; vital skills in a real Oxbridge tutorial.
The interview will close with a feedback discussion.