Our Approach to Oxford and Cambridge Interviews
The Universities of Oxford and Cambridge have rigorous, professional admissions processes. There are no tricks, short-cuts or secrets to “getting in”.
Both universities are looking for intelligent students with proven aptitude for their subject and motivation to learn. The admissions process takes many elements into account, but interviews are often seen as the biggest hurdle.
At Oxbridge Interviews, we don’t believe in coaching. Scripted answers wont work in interviews; generic confidence and communication skills classes don’t fool admissions tutors, nor will outsourced personal statements and essays.

However, if - like most students – this is the first interview you’ve ever sat, you’re unlikely to demonstrate your full potential. You’d never approach an exam without having sat mocks and past papers, nor do you submit the first draft of your coursework. We know from experience that sitting a rigorous, realistic mock interview with a subject specialist who you’ve never met before is the best preparation for the real thing.